Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud.
Points to ponder.. Very finely tongue in cheek points these ..
Man O Man!
When without money,
eats vegetables at home;
When has money,
eats the same vegetables in a fine restaurant.
When without money, rides bicycle;
When has money rides the same ‘exercise machine’.
When without money walks to earn food
When has money, walks to burn fat;
When without money,
eats vegetables at home;
When has money,
eats the same vegetables in a fine restaurant.
When without money, rides bicycle;
When has money rides the same ‘exercise machine’.
When without money walks to earn food
When has money, walks to burn fat;
Man O Man! Never fails to deceive thyself!
When without money,
wishes to get married;
When has money,
wishes to get divorced.
When without money,
wife becomes secretary;
When has money,
secretary becomes wife.
When without money, acts like a rich man;
When has money acts like a poor man.
Man O Man! Never can tell the simple truth!
Says share market is bad,
but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil,
but keeps accumulating.
Says high Positions are lonely,
but keeps wanting them.
Says gambling & drinking is bad,
but keeps indulging;
When without money,
wishes to get married;
When has money,
wishes to get divorced.
When without money,
wife becomes secretary;
When has money,
secretary becomes wife.
When without money, acts like a rich man;
When has money acts like a poor man.
Man O Man! Never can tell the simple truth!
Says share market is bad,
but keeps speculating;
Says money is evil,
but keeps accumulating.
Says high Positions are lonely,
but keeps wanting them.
Says gambling & drinking is bad,
but keeps indulging;
Man O Man! Never means what he says and never says what he means.,
We cannot change the Behaviour, Attitude or Mind Set of the people around us.
But we can surely learn to Change our way to react at their behaviour.

Happiness always looks small if you hold it in your hands…but when you learn to share it…you will realize how big and precious it is !!!

இறந்ததாய் நினைத்திருந்த விதைகளுக்கு, மழை வந்ததும்தான் நினைவுக்கு வந்தது.. "நாம் இதுவரை இறக்கவில்லை...நம்பிக்கையை மட்டும்தான் இழந்திருந்தோம்" என்று...! நம்மில் பலருடைய மனமும் அப்படித்தான்..!
f U Translate
Every Mistake of
Ur Life Into a
'Positive' One,
U will never be a
'Prisoner of your Past'
But a
'Designer of your
Every Mistake of
Ur Life Into a
'Positive' One,
U will never be a
'Prisoner of your Past'
But a
'Designer of your
Successful Relation don't depend on How good UNDER STANDING We have But its depends on HOW NICELY We avoid MISUNDER STANDING
The Happiest people don't have everything in life.
They just keep creating situations that bring happiness everyday.
Be Happy & Keep Smiling.
They just keep creating situations that bring happiness everyday.
Be Happy & Keep Smiling.
கடந்த காலத்தை மறக்க முயல்வதிலும் மறைக்க முயல்வதிலும் கழிகிறது நிகழ் காலம்...
Whenever you are not feeling well without any reason....Spend time with someone special in ur life...
Because sometimes you don't need medicines..U just need the best moments of life...!
Because sometimes you don't need medicines..U just need the best moments of life...!
People save good memories in pen drive & bad memories in mind. Just change the location. Life will automatically change.*
இரும்பை வேறு எந்தப் பொருளாலும் அழித்துவிட முடியாது. இரும்பு அழிய வேண்டுமென்றால் துருப்பிடித்து அதுவாகவே அழிந்தால்தான் உண்டு. இதேதான் நமக்கும். நம் சிந்தனை சிதைந்து நாமாகவே அழிந்தால்தான் உண்டு. நாம் உறுதியாக நின்றுவிட்டால் எப்பேர்ப்பட்டவனாலும் நம்மை அழித்துவிட முடியாது. எவ்வளவு பெரிய சோதனையாலும் நம்மை வீழ்த்திவிட முடியாது.
Good Behavior Can Cover the Lack Of Beauty~
Beauty Can Never Cover the Lack Of Good Behavior.
Beauty Can Never Cover the Lack Of Good Behavior.
Punctuality is not just about ''Being on Time.''
Its basically about ''Respecting your own Commitments".
Its basically about ''Respecting your own Commitments".
Life never leaves
you empty, it
always replace
everything you lost,
if it asks you to
put something down
its because it want
you to pick up
something great !!!
you empty, it
always replace
everything you lost,
if it asks you to
put something down
its because it want
you to pick up
something great !!!
When we Build a House,
Every Brick is Important..
When We Build Our Character, Every Thought is Important...
So..., Feed Your Mind Daily With Quality Thoughts.
Every Brick is Important..
When We Build Our Character, Every Thought is Important...
So..., Feed Your Mind Daily With Quality Thoughts.
Life is a Chemistry
Just dilute ur Sorrows
Evaporate ur Worries
Filter ur Mistake
Boil ur Ego
U wil get Clear Crystals of happiness.
Just dilute ur Sorrows
Evaporate ur Worries
Filter ur Mistake
Boil ur Ego
U wil get Clear Crystals of happiness.
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