Tuesday, April 1, 2014

enninaivugalin e pathivu images

It's none of my business  what  people say of  me and think  of  me. I am  and  I  do  what I do. I expect nothing  and accept everything. And  it  makes  life  so   much  easier.

Attract  what you expect,
reflect  what you desire,
become what you respect,
mirror  what you  admire.

"RESPECT"  Putting your phone away AND  paying attention to those talking to you? There's an APP  for that is called "RESPECT,"
Our  children are only ever lent to us. We never know just how long we will be able to keep them for.
So kiss them, cuddle them. praise them & hold them tighty, But most of all.....tell them you LOVE them EVERYDAY.

enninaivugalin e pathivu akshith and dhanvin